Resurse text   - Poezii crestine
text Poezii crestine

Resurse text - Poezii crestine

The Chance for Change Poezii crestine
The New Year brings the chance for change.All of the things we can rearrange.We start off fresh and eyes aglow.We can make a new start is what we know.We'll lose the weight, we say at last.Trying to f...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Bruised Poezii crestine
Into the future He looked with deep stare,Right now in my mind, I can see Him there.His thoughts to the future sins of man kindAs blood ran to His eyes He became blind.For He was beat with a shard bea...
de Melissa Sanders 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Husbands Poezii crestine
My husband likes my company,And likes to have me near,He says I am his dearest friend,And have been many a year.If I venture to go near himOn some errand for myselfHe asks if I would hand himSomething...
de Joyce Guy 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Sparkle Poezii crestine
Oh the stars that twinkle soSparkle bright from Heaven's glowLight the night so God we'll knowCares for us here down below.Singing bright on cloudless nightMakes me want to take my flight.Where God re...
de Melissa Sanders 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
There’s going to be a party Poezii crestine
There’s going to be a partyA grand and glorious celebration,You can come just as you are,Do you have your invitation? There’ll be a lot of singing,There'll be dancing in the street.A banquet table’s b...
de Lora Cox 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Teach Me Thy Will Poezii crestine
Lord teach me to do thy will,without stumbling or slips.Then I will pay thy divine bill,with thanks from humble lips. Teach me to live a holy life,free from all worldly lust.Free from gossip and strif...
de John H. Arney 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Twas the Night Before Easter! Poezii crestine
'Twas the night before Easter on Internet Lane;From New York, to Russia, spring Holidaze reigned!Computers were linking from Disney to space;And folks were resolving the Easter Egg case!The kids were...
de Peggie C. Bohanon 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Bloom where you are planted Poezii crestine
"Bloom where you are planted,"I heard a quiet voice say:"But, Lord," I protested,"I'm getting older, and beginning to get gray."It makes no difference",This quiet voice said;"Everyone has a place in l...
de Eva M. Young 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Signs Of Spring Poezii crestine
The signs of spring are everywhere; the air is soft and warm, No longer will we hear the forecast of a winter storm. The robins running on the ground and sensing with their feet, The movement of the e...
de James A. Kisner 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Finding A Forever Home Poezii crestine
Early one morn' when a tiny pup,My Mama wept out of control.With teary eyes she cried, and said,"Today you're being sold."Still whimpering, she promised,"You'll have a `great life' little boy.Very soo...
de Kathleene S. Baker 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Those Passing Years Poezii crestine
How sad it seems, those passing yearsfrom youth to elderhood.Sometimes we yearn to bring them back--those years, if we just could.Life seemed so sweet and simple then,when we were twenty-one.Our days...
de Joyce Guy 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Step-Dad’s Day Poezii crestine
How special is a dad who takes you for his ownTreats you like you’re a special daughter or a sonWho loves you regardless if you are smart or dumbStep–dad is what they call him, but to you he’s #...
de Joyce Guy 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Dad Poezii crestine
Your shoes are hard to fill,Your name came from God above;Who gives most precious giftsTo acknowledge sacrificial love.Gentleness marks your spirit,Strength is your basic man,Warmth your heart embrace...
de Eva May Young 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The fragrance of Spring Poezii crestine
The fragrance of the Lilacs in bloom,On a sunny spring day,With tulips and pansies,In colorful display...The splendor of the Dogwoods,And Crab Apple treesPaint pictures so appealing,Even the birds sin...
de Eva May Young 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
I am here Poezii crestine
I was sitting alone at home one dayMy Spiritual life at an emergency low.So many I love have gone from my life,I felt I had no where my love to bestow.I felt so lonely and deserted by all,Even my Lord...
de Dot Wilson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
A Special Place Poezii crestine
There is a special place in life,That needs my humble skill,A certain job I'm meant to do,Which no one else can fulfill.The time will be demanding,And the pay is not too goodAnd yet I wouldn't change...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


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