Resurse text   - Poezii crestine
text Poezii crestine

Resurse text - Poezii crestine

What You Will Be? Poezii crestine
As I gazed up at the mountains, I was awed by their majesty;I bowed my head and asked myself, "Why should He care for me?I am not great like the mountains that tower so high above,What is there about...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
When Im A Little Old Lady Poezii crestine
Then I'll live with my childrenand bring them great joy.To repay all I've hadfrom each girl and boyI shall draw on the wallsand scuff up the floor;Run in and outwithout closing the door.I'll hide frog...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
When I Get To Heaven Poezii crestine
At last I reach my final homeThe gates swing open wideI get a glimpse of gloryI can’t wait to get inside.An angel beckons to meI hurry up to himHe opens up a golden bookAnd lets me look within.I see m...
de Emily McAdams 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
When I Meet My Savior Poezii crestine
If this is the day that I should meet my Savior face to faceI hope that He can say to me, "My child, you ran the good race.You told those who didn’t know Me how they could be My childYou helped those...
de Emily McAdams 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
When I say, I am a Christian, Poezii crestine
When I say, "I am a Christian,"I'm not shouting "I am saved."I'm whispering "I was lost";That is why I chose this way.When I say, "I am a Christian,"I don't speak of this with pride.I'm confessing tha...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
When we share Poezii crestine
When we share laughter,There's twice the fun;When we share success,We surpass what we've done.When we share problems,There's half the pain;When we share tears,A rainbow follows rain.When we share drea...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Which Road Poezii crestine
So many folks are taking trips,Seeing sights and having pleasure,Spending money on many things,That's what people treasure. In that there's is nothing wrong,With all of what they do,Just as long as th...
de Mary Eldridge 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
While Were Apart Poezii crestine
I think of you in your uniformYou stood so tall and proud;You said protecting us was your duty,For this you were endowed.You said your only worryWas leaving us here alone,That I'd have no one to help...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Who is late ? Poezii crestine
He hands her flowers and a box of candy with a bow,He loves her more than anybody else could ever know.To him she is so beautiful and makes his heart just melt,The love he has for her is something he...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Words To Live By Poezii crestine
Love makes us patient, understanding and kind,And we judge with the heart, not with the mind,For as soon as LOVE enters the heart's opened doorThe hatred we once saw are not there any more.Better is a...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Words,Words,Words Poezii crestine
Always guard your tongue, God saidBe gentle and kind with your words insteadSpeak healing words to your sisters and brothersAlways, be careful of what you say to others.Kind and loving words can heal...
de Mary M Henderson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Yew Kin Quote Me On That Poezii crestine
Like a hitch-hiker totin' a chainsawMy life has passed me by,Jist like 3-day-old roadkillIt stinks,'n' that's no lie...I took 10 miles of unpaved roadMy tires have all gone flat,A bumpy-uphill-pot-hol...
de Connie 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Youre Important Poezii crestine
Don't say you're not important,It simply isn't true,The fact that you were born,Is proof, God has a plan for you.The path may seem unclear right now,But one day you will see,That all that came before,...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
You Gave Me Your Assurance Poezii crestine
Your sweet perfumeFloods through my homeYou reveal your PresenceTo let me know I’m not aloneFather, so many tears I have criedAs I watched my world fall apartYet somehow, You came to meFilling the voi...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
You Said Poezii crestine
You said you were afraid to go to a better placeuntil I lit the path and took your hand.You said that you were afraid to tryuntil I convinced you that in my eyes you couldn't fail.You said you couldn'...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Your Spirit Poezii crestine
I love You, Lord, and praise Your name.With You in my life, I’m not the same.You give me hope when there is none.Your spirit’s like the first ray of sun.When I am sad, You give me cheer.When I’m afrai...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


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