Resurse text   - Poezii crestine
text Poezii crestine

Resurse text - Poezii crestine

The Will of God Poezii crestine
The will of God will never take you,Where the Grace of God cannot keep you,Where the Arms of God cannot support you,Where the Riches of God cannot supply your needs,Where the Power of God cannot endow...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The window Poezii crestine
There is a little windowI look through every day.Where I view many of your loved ones Lord,That prompts this heart to pray.It's a window that You gave me LordThat transcends all time and space.To reco...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Wise Old Owl Poezii crestine
Like the Solomon of fowlSat a wise old owlPerched in a Sycamore tree,While the moonlight glimmeredAnd the starlight shimmered,These words he spoke to me:"I guess you've heardI'm a wise old bird,And if...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Wonder Of Elderly Years Poezii crestine
What wonderful days, those elderly years,When the saint of the Lord overcomes hurts and fearsHis roots grown deep in the courts of his GodGrown straight and tall from strong spiritual sod.His righteou...
de Joyce Guy 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
This Day Poezii crestine
This day's going to be a good one.I'm alive and well.This day's going to be a fine one.I'll sit and rest a spell.This day's going to be a great one.I don't have to go to work.This day's going to be a...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
This Place Of Which I Dream Poezii crestine
Homestead high, surrounded by,Cedar, Ash, and Birch,Mountain woodland creatures nigh,Quarry be their search.Flyway over stone chimney,Your plaintive call my song,Snap of twigs, soft footfalls be,Right...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Thoughts Of Home Poezii crestine
I guess that I just couldn't waitTo get away from home,To spread my wings, learn to fly,And over the earth to roam.Now that I'm here in foreign lands,My thoughts return to you;I hope you're proud of w...
de Joyce Guy 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Through a Friend Poezii crestine
Lord, I have been so grieved,Only You know why...No one down here understands,No, Lord, not even I.Times like this I want out,Tell the world I'm through...Times when I "reject" myself,And yes, Lord, e...
de Connie 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Through The Eyes Of Faith Poezii crestine
Through The Eyes Of FaithThey lived in an old house at the end of the laneAnd it seemed to me they lived in vain,For they were old and alone, the children all gone,And I thought that life had done the...
de Lora Cox 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Through The Eyes Of Grace Poezii crestine
The Father was looking down one day,At all of us in the human race.His view was one of compassion,Looking through the eyes of Grace."I will send them my salvation,It will be packaged within my Son.His...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Through The Storms Poezii crestine
I did not know His love before,the way I know it now.I could not see my need for Him,my pride would not allow.I had it all, without a care,the "Self-sufficient" lie.My path was smooth, my sea was stil...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Through The Waters Poezii crestine
When thou passest through the waters Deep the waves may be and cold, But Jehovah is our Refuge, And His Promise is our hold; For the Lord Himself hath Said it, He, The Faithful God and True: "When tho...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Time-0ut Poezii crestine
When troubles seem to be getting me down,I take time out -- just to look around.I open my eyes, and what do I see?Many who would give their eye teeth to be me.To walk for some is a real chore.For othe...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
To My child... Poezii crestine
This morning, I am going to smile when I see your face and laugh when I feel like crying. This morning, I will let you choose what you want to wear, and smile and say how perfect it is. This morning,...
de Dot Wilson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
To My Husband For Valentines Day! Poezii crestine
I was all alone and lonely,no one to tell my troubles to.Watching sunsets by myself,long before I met you.All my life I'd dreamed of love,to meet someone and lose my heart.but then nothing ever happen...
de Dot Wilson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Today I Taught Poezii crestine
When I got mad and hit my child,"For his own good", I reconciled;And then I realized my plight....Today I taught my child to fight.When interrupted by the phone,I said, "Tell them I'm not at home;"And...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


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Geneza 2:3
18 martie 2025