Resurse text   - Poezii crestine
text Poezii crestine

Resurse text - Poezii crestine

Cand m-ai chemat Poezii crestine
Cand m-ai chemat, nu ti-am raspuns chemarii,Am fost si surd si mut, la vocea Ta,Ai coborat atunci pe scarile-ndurariiSi m-ai chemat din nou in lucrarea Ta.Nu Ti-am raspuns chemarii, crezand ca-i in za...
de Aurelia Corda 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
As fi dorit sa fiu... Poezii crestine
In vazduhul as fi dorit sa fiu un fulgCe se pierdea printre ramurile goale;Copiii sa ma prinda-n maini jucand,Alunecand pe sanie la vale.As fi dorit sa fiu un strop de rouaSi tainic sa ma asez pe-un f...
de Aurelia Corda 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Arta de a fi statornic Poezii crestine
Se vor naste iar , anii apusi de veacuriIngropati sub glia veche si batrana;Va mai suna o data talanga pe dealul amortit de vremiSi iarasi vom auzi ecoul lung al clopotului batran.Nu, nu s-a stins pen...
de Aurelia Corda 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Bible Has Love Letters Poezii crestine
Blessings I have for you in store,when you call on my name I will pour.I truly delight to show you my love,that's why I was sent from heaven above.The love that I have is strong and sincere,I want you...
de Mary Eldridge 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Big One Poezii crestine
He loved to fish he loved to hunt he loved his rods and gun,To him the greatest joy in life was doing this for fun.He loved his wife and family and he always put them first,But his dream to bag the bi...
de James A. Kisner 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Blowing Leaves Poezii crestine
She gazes at the autumn leaves that blow across the grass,Thinking to herself and hoping that this fear will pass.Autumn was the time of year that they both most enjoyed,But this year was so different...
de James A. Kisner 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Adevaratele minuni Poezii crestine
Adevaratele minuni De n-ai trecut prin Betleem, ca sa te smeresti la ieslea Lui... Degeaba te falesti c-ai umblat pe toate meridianele globului. Poate-ai colindat intregul mapamond, alergand in sus...
de Alin Groza 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Puritate Poezii crestine
Priveşte lumea care se cheamă NedreptateCa să-ţelegi ce bine-i să fii în PuritateTe simţi atras de prima ce îşi făgăduieşteO lume de distracţii, dar stai un pic, te-opreşteNu Diavolul te-deamnă nu poţ...
de Sarivan Ciprian 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Măreţ e Dumnezeu Poezii crestine
Măreţ e Domnul, îmi spune-a mea făptură,Măreţ eşti Tu divin MîntuitorÎnalţă rugi spre Tine a mea gurăCu viaţa mea, o, Doamne-Ţi sunt datorSă fiu al Tău tot sufletul o cereSă mă dedic, în veci să te sl...
de Sarivan Ciprian 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Child Inside Poezii crestine
Lord grant that I might find the heartthat once lived in this frame.A heart of innocence, a heart of love,pure and without blame.My days of innocence have long past,I am ashamed to say.Lord grant that...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Christ In Christmas Poezii crestine
Let's keep Christ in Christmas for sure this year.The Babe, born in a manger, each day grows more dear.They said long before, He would be born one day,The star in the east would show them the way!The...
de Dot Wilson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Crayon Box That Talked Poezii crestine
While walking into a toy store the day before todayI overheard a crayon box with many things to say"I don't like Red!" said Yellow and Green said "Nor do I""And no one here likes Orange but no one kno...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Cross Of Calvary Poezii crestine
The cross on calvaryStood up many years ago.The man in the middle,Died there for our soul.He died there with nailsIn His hands,Bleeding for His life,To take us to the promise land.Hs said I shall leav...
de Patricia Brown 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
My Daddy Poezii crestine
My Daddy was a fix-it man,Who loved to fix things with his hands.He'd whistle tunes as he would putter,Amid his tools and work bench clutter.Fixing everything he could,When he was done it all worked g...
de Dot McGinnis 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Day After Christmas Poezii crestine
'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house,Every creature was hurting -- even the mouse.The toys were all broken, their batteries dead;Santa passed out, with some ice on his head.Wrappin...
de James A. Kisner 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Dreams Of Children Poezii crestine
Fly with me to the end of the rainbow,Come let's play among the stars.We can journey through the dreams of children,Twice 'round the Moon and once 'round Mars.We'll ask the stars their deepest secrets...
de James A. Kisner 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


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