Resurse text   - Poezii crestine
text Poezii crestine

Resurse text - Poezii crestine

The words that were spoken Poezii crestine
The words that were spoken, they tore at my soul,They pierced my spirit and left a gapping hole.The world could not see what had transpiredMy heart was the covering when the deed expired.Everywhere I...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Then Its Time! Poezii crestine
When dawn is breaking, yet you don't see the sun,But you know it will be there, when the night is done.There's a feeling of "Can't wait until the sun comes up."As I sit impatiently with my coffee cup....
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
There in the hills Poezii crestine
As I stood at the edge of the waterfall,On a brilliant fall afternoon,The gorge was aflame with color,That will be fading all too soon.People had come from near and far,To see this glorious sight,Natu...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
There is a reason ! Poezii crestine
There is always a reason for everything.You have many problems, and then they take wing.You may wonder then, where you got the knack,Of sending them away, but you know they'll be back!It's not your do...
de Dot Wilson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
They Missed Him ! Poezii crestine
They were looking for a lion,He came as a Lamb, and they missed Him.They were looking for a warrior,He came as a Peacemaker, and they missed Him.They were looking for a king,He came as a Servant, and...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Think AboUt It ! Poezii crestine
Sometimes I feel so down,I don't know WHAT to do!I have to remind myself,Lord, I really DO have You!Without You, I don't know,just how I could survive.I know You keep me, Lord,more than just alive!You...
de Dot Wilson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Think of Him Poezii crestine
When you see the Easter bunny'sFur so snowy bright;Think of how Christ took our sinsAnd washed them snowy white.When your Easter bonnetYou place upon your head;Think of how they placed on HimThat thor...
de Connie 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The Friend Of Mine Poezii crestine
Sure, your friends and family are special people in your lives, but not as special as this friend of mine I'm fixing to introduce you to. At one time or another, your family and friends will let you d...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
this is our Gods hour Poezii crestine
A mighty wind is blowing,All across this land,The Spirit of God is moving,Fulfilling all His plan,Many things will be shaken,By His mighty power,Talk of wars are looming,Right this very hour,He told u...
de Mary Eldridge 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Skitters Poezii crestine
"A good man is concernedfor the welfare of his animals..."(Proverb 12:10 LB)Lord, we're sending You a cat today,She won't take up much room;Before she left this earthShe was as skinny as a broom.For t...
de Anonim 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Misunderstood (Knowing God) Poezii crestine
It amazes me that a God so goodIs by many, so easily misunderstoodI think it's because we don't take the timeTo learn that He is truly DivineWhen we bring Him down to our level of humanityWe mistakenl...
de by Eileen T. Waldron 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Since Yesterday Poezii crestine
Along the golden streetsA stranger walks tonightWith wonder in his heart --Faith blossomed into sight.He walks and stops and stares,And walks and stares again.Vistas of lovelinessBeyond the dreams of...
de Martha Snell Nicholson 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
LA INCEPUT DE AN Poezii crestine
LA INCEPUT DE ANLa început de an , O, Tatăprivim ’napoi la vechiul anŞi constatăm cu bucuriecă ne-ai condus spre CanaanNe-ai inundat cu bunătateade care-i plin al Tău hambarŞi am simţit din plin dulce...
de George Cornici 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
REZULTATUL Poezii crestine
O eleva-n clasa zecea,Era foarte silitoare,Si primea in catalogTotdeauna nota mare.Intr-o zi facea acasaExercitii ecuatii,O problema de algebraCu-nmultiri, scaderi si fractii.Nu-i o munc-asa usoaraSa...
de Mircea Pătruică 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
GIGEL IN MISIUNE Poezii crestine
Intr-o zi un baietelCe-avea numele Gigel,A venit in graba mareLa tatal lui cu o-ntrebare.Ca tatal lui un om mai rar,Era un bun misionar.Plin de zel si-n flacaratVestea cuvintu-n lung si-n lat,Pe senin...
de Mircea Pătruică 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
IN CAUTARE Poezii crestine
Gigel a cautat odata,O jucarie, de mult uitata.Pe sub masa, pe sub patPeste tot el a cautat;Pe dulap, dar n-a gasit Decat ceva prafuit.Si dand praful la oparte,A vazut ca este-o carte.-Bunicuto!...uit...
de Mircea Pătruică 12 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


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14 noiembrie 2024