text Poezii crestine

Through The Eyes Of Faith

de Lora Cox
Autor: Lora Cox
Through The Eyes Of Faith

They lived in an old house at the end of the lane

And it seemed to me they lived in vain,

For they were old and alone, the children all gone,

And I thought that life had done them wrong,

With not much to look forward to at days end,

Except for a visit from a friend.

But friends were few and far between

And many nights passed without one seen.

So, I made it my business, tho’ just a lad

To become the best friend they ever had.

At the end of each day, when chores were done,

I walked down the lane at set of sun.

It became a trip I looked forward to

For I always learned something new

About the way they lived their life,

Relying on God in trouble and strife.

As the years rolled by and I grew to a man,

I realized that God had a plan,

For the very best friend that I wanted to be,

As it turned out, that’s what they were to me.

Now they are gone and I’m old and alone

With no one left to call my own.

My friends are few and far between

And many nights go by without one seen.

But my life has not been all in vain,

For I found a true friend, Jesus is His Name.

Introduced to me by the old couple down the lane,

And in my thoughts they will always remain.

When looking at life through the eyes of youth

It's sometimes hard to see the truth,

But like the old couple down the lane

Looking through eyes of faith, life's never in vain.

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