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The Shape Of Love

de Anonim
Autor: Anonim
He woke before the sun came up . . . it was a special day,
He wanted to show her he loved her . . . in a special way.
He thought she was so beautiful . . . as she was lying there,
And for a moment all he did was . . . look at her and stare.

Her skin was soft and lovely and . . . her hair was full and fine,
He smiled when thinking of the fact . . . this lady is all mine.
How could a man deserve such love . . . as she did freely give,
Her love had made him realize . . . just what it meant to live.

He planned this day well in advance . . . to show his love for her,
And as he lay and watched her face . . . she made a little stir.
To him she was so precious . . . she meant all the world to him,
So he had planned this special treat . . . and now he must begin.

He slowly got up from the bed . . . as quiet as could be,
He didn't want to wake this girl . . . he loved so tenderly.
He reached into his night stand . . . and he fumbles, then he finds,
Something to remind her that . . . today is Valentine's.

So, quietly he places it . . . beside her sleeping head,
On his pillow next to her . . . on his side of the bed.
Then he tiptoed from the room . . . without making a sound,
Sneaking to the stairway . . . and he silently went down.

It took about an hour and . . . when everything was done,
He smiled at himself thinking . . . this is going to be such fun.
As he let his guard down . . . about making noise and such,
He dropped a pan that made a clang. . . it slipped out of his clutch.

Upstairs, as she slept . . . the sound awoke her with a start,
She looked over . . . and there on his pillow was a heart.
A little heart-shaped piece of candy . . . where his head should be,
And she smiled and wondered . . . what's he doing now to me?

She took the little piece of candy . . . from it's resting place,
Slowly getting out of bed . . . a smile across her face.
Thinking how she loves him . . . and how much he always cares,
She kissed the little heart-shaped candy . . . walking to the stairs.

As she reached the stairway . . . she just smiled at what she found,
On each step a little heart . . . a path leading her down.
As she reached the first floor . . . they continued as a path,
They lead into the kitchen . . . and she gave a little laugh.

She followed them to where he was . . . and saw what he had done,
He smiled and said . . . "You sit here, we're gonna have some fun."
On the table he had placed . . . red roses in the center,
And the table was all set . . . as if it was for dinner.

She sat down to where he said . . . her heart was racing so,
What in the world has this man done . . . she had no way to know.
So, she sat down, her back to him . . . as he began his thing,
Waiting patiently to see . . . what he was going to bring.

First, he brought her grapefruit juice. . . "pink," he said, "for love,"
"At least when I was pouring . . . that's what I thought of."
Then he brought the butter dish . . . the pads were heart-shaped too,
Then he brought her pancakes . . . and they spelled out "I love you."

Then he brought her ham and eggs . . . all shaped like a heart,
And the toast was in that shape . . . so it could play it's part.
Then, he stood back proudly . . . and he said, "it's all for you,"
"It is nothing that compares . . . to all the things you do."

Then he said, "you are my world . . . and I want you to know,
I wanted this day special for you . . . and I love you so."
"I don't know how it's gonna taste . . . but I thought I would try."
Then as she looked at all the work . . . she could not help but cry.

She knew he loved her very much . . . to try to do all this,
But before she started eating . . . she needed a kiss.
She got up from the table . . . and she kissed him tenderly,
"You will never know my love . . . just what this means to me."

"It's not that I don't love you . . . for the things you say and do,
But I love you so very much . . . because you are just YOU."
"How much love can one girl take" . . . she said through teary eyes,
"Thank you so much sweetheart . . . for my Valentine's surprise."

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