Resurse text   - Cantece crestine
text Cantece crestine

Resurse text - Cantece crestine

Cantece Lauda si inchinare
Holy one Cantece crestine
1. Lord, I stand in awe of You Cause everything I Know Fails to compare To You and You alone B: Taken by Your majesty I am overcome By the power of What Your hand has done R: I could never quite exp...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
You make me mad Cantece crestine
1. I don't know if it's necessarily (The things you do) Maybe it's the things you say Or maybe just the way you say it It's true you sing a pretty song indeed (In a new way) You've said some things to...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
This song was meant for you Cantece crestine
1. Where did I go wrong? Tell me what I have done here It didn't take too long For the sun to disappear Now it's gone and I'm alone This song was meant for you It had a happy ending But you had to cha...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
I deserve ? Cantece crestine
1. I tasted the fruit that was forbidden I murdered the trust that you had given And now I'm living in a place that's not my home The pain in your heart made you regret The moment we spoke, did you fo...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Gomers theme Cantece crestine
1. In this place Saw her face Couldn't be more happier Made for Him It's a sin That she was not faithful She couldn't be Foolishly More unfaithful if she tried He did not care Wanted her Despite lies...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Give me a reason Cantece crestine
1. There must be something wrong with me I won't stop taking chances It's nothing to do with apathy I can't take no for an answer Give me a reason Why do I do it? Would you believe it If I told you a...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Darul meu Cantece crestine
1. Îţi înalţ Numele Tău, Isuse Şi-n faţa Ta eu vin să mă-nchin Cu reverenţă eu vin în smerenie Să-mi exprim bucuria ce Tu mi-ai dat. R: /: Darul meu sunt eu Pentru Tine, scump Isuse Darul meu, e...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Tu, făr' de păcat Cantece crestine
1. Tu, făr' de păcat Te-ai dezbrăcat de slava Ta Că să îmbraci povara Ta Tu Cel prea-nalt Ai acceptat să-mi dai Intrare nouă-n slavă Ta Şi-n locul meu Tu să primeşti Pedeapsa mea, ai acceptat...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Vreau să fiu ca Tine Cantece crestine
1. /: Vreau să fiu ca Tine Curat pe-acest pământ Şi să-ţi semăn ţie Prin vorbe, fapte, cuvânt :/ R: /: Sunt curat prin jertfa Ta Mai curat şi mai real O viaţă nouă Tu ne-ai dat Când Tu te-ai î...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Let us adore Cantece crestine
1. Cerul declara gloria Lui Pământu-ntreg vestește azi Minunile Lui 2. Tot ce-a creat îl laudă Și toate-n cor mărturisesc Ce mare e El R: Să-L adorăm, să-L adorăm Isus Hristos este Domn Să ne-nch...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Doamne esti a mea iubire Cantece crestine
1. Doamne esti a mea iubire Tu esti tot ce mi-a ramas Vie orice prigonire Eu de tine nu ma las 2. Doamne Tu le stii pe toate Gandul inimii mi-l stii Tu mi-alini cu bunatate Toate zilele pustii 3. Oc...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
You can't hide Cantece crestine
1. When you're feeling all alone and you've got no friends on the phone When you've reached your all time low, He'll be around R1: In your car, in the starts, He's everywhere you are He's alive and H...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The show Cantece crestine
1. Oh, I'd do anything to feel the wind that day There in the upper room, all in one place And I'd give anything to hear the sound of the spirit Coming down, and the praises they sang 2. It's the way...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Things like you Cantece crestine
1. Loving things like you has wrecked my life, made me cry Loving things like you has made me lose my mind And I can't figure out why I've been hanging on To all these things I've tried to leave behin...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Everything about you Cantece crestine
1. Be my light in the darkened room I'm on my face and I'm calling you I can't fathom all you've done for me Everytim it finds me on my knees Like sinlight in the winter cold R: Everything about you...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Great is thy faithfulness Cantece crestine
1. Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father There is no shadow of turning with Thee Thou changest not Thy compassions they fail not As Thou hast been Thou forever will be R: Great is Thy faithfulne...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


test 2

14 noiembrie 2024