Resurse text   - Cantece crestine
text Cantece crestine

Resurse text - Cantece crestine

Cantece Lauda si inchinare
Doamne n-am aur nici argint Cantece crestine
1. Doamne n-am aur nici argint Şi ştiu că nu ţi-ar trebui Dar am ceva mai preţios Inima mea ţi-o dau Hristos Ca să-ţi slujească Ţie R: /: Doamne ce-aş putea să-ţi dau În schimbul jertfei tale Inima m...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The stand Cantece crestine
1. You stood before creation Forever within Your hand You spoke all life into motion My soul now is in His hand (?) 2. You stood before my failure Carried the Cross for my shame My sin went upon Your...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Fire fall down Cantece crestine
You bought my life with the Blood that You shed on the cross When You died for the sins of men And You let out a cry Crucified now alive in Me These Hands are Yours Teach them to serve as You plea...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Here to eternity Cantece crestine
1. Poporul Tău declară slava numelui Tău O, Doamne, fii înălţat mereu. Duhul Tău Sfânt coboară, puterea-i se revarsă Şi gloria Ta o simţim din plin B: Mântuire am acum prin Tine Prin sângele Tău...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Jesus you are my healer Cantece crestine
Jesus Son of God Only You can save me Suffering on the cross You gave your own willingly pay the cost for me Now I am free to worship Jesus you are my healer Oh Jesus, touch me and I will be free Fo...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Strenght of my life Cantece crestine
1. Yo! Eternal rhythms in your system so clear. No negative take your isms stay cleared We keep it lovely, give you want you want hear (no you won't hear) And Matisyahu in the house, stand clear. P.O....
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Creator King Cantece crestine
1. You, Who made the mountains and the sea Measured out the universe and you make me Echoes of the voice that called the worlds to be Reach throughout the ages and now speak to me You're my Creator Ki...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
At the foot of the cross Cantece crestine
1. At the foot of the cross Where grace and suffering meet You have shown me Your love Through the judgment You received And You've won my heart And You've won my heart Now I can R: Trade these ashes...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Wonderful magnificent God Cantece crestine
At Your feet I bow There is none like You For all that I have found All I want is You For all the wonders You do And all that You are What I can bring to You I offer my heart R: Wonderful magnificent...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Odata-ntr-o tainica vreme Cantece crestine
1. Odata-ntr-o tainica vreme, Din lut cineva ma facu /: Si daca sunt om si nu vierme, O, Doamne, asa ai vrut Tu. :/ 2. Si daca am grai si nu muget Sa spun ce iubesc si ce nu, /: Si daca am harul...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Arise Cantece crestine
Now is the time to make a stand To rise up and take the promised land To walk in the favour of our God Lift up your eyes to see the King Upon you His glory will be seen Cause His light is rising up o...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
All hands Cantece crestine
1. Well I burned my past I sent it up in flames I threw away my keys I got my name changed B: Don't you remember me: always on the run? I got the sunshine on And I'm growing fast You will never see m...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
You can be a star Cantece crestine
Don't ever wait to find what you've been looking for Don't ever hide your light behind a closing door Don't give up the fight to find a way to realize your dreams Don't you know you can be anything...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
God it's watching over me Cantece crestine
He sees you down by the water line Know what you're thinking all the time He sees the rising of the waves When the tide starts rolling in He lets you know it's gonna be o.k. He sees you dancing in th...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Over and over again Cantece crestine
1. Whatever I hear You say I'll do Whatever You want I want it too Whatever You say Whatever You want I live for You 2. Wherever I run I run to You Wherever You lead I'm going too Wherever I go Where...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Doamne-n prezenţa ta Cantece crestine
1. Doamne-n prezenţa Ta doresc a sta Chiar dacă voi purta o cruce grea; În fiecare zi cântarea mea va fi "Doamne-n prezenţa Ta doresc a sta!" 2. Al zilei asfinţit când va veni Și singur, ostenit, voi...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


test 2

14 noiembrie 2024