Resurse text   - Cantece crestine
text Cantece crestine

Resurse text - Cantece crestine

Cantece colinde
Veniţi să-l lăudăm prin cânt Cantece crestine
R: Veniţi să-l lăudăm prin cânt Să ştie azi întreg pământ Sub stea un Rege s-a născut /: Şi dragostea a coborât. :/ 1. Fiindcă-atât ne-a iubit că a dat pe Fiul Sau Pentru noi că ştim, să simţim...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
What child is this? Cantece crestine
1. What child is this, who, laid to rest On Mary's lap was sleeping Whom angles greet with anthems sweet While shepherds watch are keeping R: This, this is Christ the king Whom shepherds guard and an...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Sweet little jesus boy Cantece crestine
1. Sweet Little Jesus Boy they made you be born in a manger Sweet little holy child We didn't know who you were. Sweet little Jesus boy they made you be born in a manger Sweet little holy child We did...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Silent night Cantece crestine
R: Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace B: Christ the savior is born Christ the savior is born 1. Silent night, holy night Son of God Love's pure light Radiant beams from thy hole face Wi...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
One small child Cantece crestine
1. One small child in a land of a thousand One small dream of a savior tonight One small hand reaching out to the starlight One small savior of love One small savior of love 2. One king bringing his...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
O come Emmanuel Cantece crestine
1. O Come, O Come Emmanuel And ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here Until the son of God appear R: Rejoice, rejoice Emmanuel Shall come to thee O Israel! O Israel! Shall come 2. O...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
O holy night Cantece crestine
1. O holy night the stars are brightly shining It is the night of our dear savior's birth; Long lay the world in sin and error pining Till He appeared and the soul felt it's worth A thrill of hope the...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Jesu joy of mans desiring Cantece crestine
1. Jesu' Joy of Man's desiring Thou whose love shines down like a guiding light Drawn to thee with souls aspiring Through our faith we reach a celestial height R: Son of God we pray we may reach thee...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Happy Christmas Cantece crestine
1. So this is Christmas And what have you done Another year over A new one's just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the dear one The old and the young A very merry Christ...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
A cradle prayer Cantece crestine
1. Jesus I love You my Lord my life Where would I be without You Here in the quiet, the still of night I am in awe of You R1: Trials may come and friends they may go What really matters is You, my Lo...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
This baby Cantece crestine
1. Well, He cried when He was hungry, Did all the things that babies do; He rocked and He napped on His mother’s lap, And He wiggled and giggled and cooed. There were the cheers when He took His first...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
The music of Christmas Cantece crestine
1. There’s a man who stands in the cold wind tonight, And he greets everyone passing by With a smile and a ringing bell; And the song that he’s playing, is his own way of saying: Love is here, it’s th...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Precious promise Cantece crestine
1. Oh what a precious promise, Oh what a gift of love; An angel told a virgin that She’s gonna have a son. And though it’s a precious promise, She wonders how can this be; What will the people say And...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Silent night/away in a manger/o holy night Cantece crestine
1. Silent night, holy night All is calm, all is bright 'round yon virgin mother and child Sleep in heavenly peace Sleep in heavenly peace R: Away in a manger, no crib for a bed The little Lord Jesus...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
Our God is with us Cantece crestine
1. One of us is cryin’ as our hopes and dreams are led away in chains, And we’re left all alone; One of us is dyin’ as our love is slowly lowered in the grave, Oh and we’re left all alone. But for all...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>
O come all ye faithful Cantece crestine
1. O come al ye faithful Joyful and triumphant O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem Come and behold Him Born the King of angels O come let us adore Him, O come let us adore Him O come let us adore Him, C...
de Resurse Creștine 11 aprilie 2021 Citeste mai mult >>


test 2

14 noiembrie 2024